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WorldofGothic / Gothic 3 / Mai pe scurt ... Moderat de GothicGod
Mesaj Pagini: 1

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Mai pe scurt aici este interviul

Mike Hoge a scris:

Before the orchestra recordings of the G3 soundtrack which we were allowed to attend WoG had also the chance to talk with Mike Hoge about the gameplay, skills and the various perks in Gothic 3. Everything that follows are ideas explained by Mike Hoge. Of course we can’t tell how far they are already integrated into the gameplay or if they will be realised in a different way. After all it still takes some time until the game is finished.

Professions and Perks

It’s already known that the player can become a gladiator and gain honor and glory in orc arenas. Perhaps the advantage of this profession is an improvement in close combat fighting. In any case Piranha Bytes will pay more attention to integrating the individual professions into the gameplay in Gothic 3. In Gothic 2 there has been no influence on the further gameplay regardless of which profession you chose (like blacksmith through Harad or alchemist at Constantino) but in Gothic 3 the profession will have a real effect on the skills of one’s character. Mike took the profession of hunter as an example. In Gothic 2 the only advantages of being Bospers apprentice have been the better prices for skins. Mike explained us his ideas for the hunter in Gothic 3 in the following way: If the player has killed one of each species he could get the task from a hunter to shoot a very rare animal. After fullfilling this task he would not only have the respect of his employer but also an improvement in a skill, a so called perk, for example a kind of archery which is particularly effective or something comparable with that. (Attention! These are only examples which should explain how these perks will function. Maybe the hunter teaches our hero something completely different.) So the profession chosen has direct impact on the character’s skills who will be different to play dependent on the profession you choose. The player will be able to learn several professions so that we are able to create the character more individually.

Mda se-ntzelege !!!

ma rog partea cu "Mike Hoge a scris e.... falsa nu a scris ca a Zis !!!


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 151

I'm still the thug that you love 2 hate !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
adik pe tine nu te intereseaza despre G3 ?


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 151
Ba da.Numa' daca imi dai tu alt PC

I'm still the thug that you love 2 hate !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Pai ai zis ca eshti mare Rapper shi ai bani de mori de foame asha ca....


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 151
Pai cumpara-mi albumul si poate o sa iti citesc toata "povestea" asta.

I'm still the thug that you love 2 hate !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
mda shi cum se numeshte albumu tau ?
just  joking


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 151
Forget about it(italian style)

I ain't mad( )

I'm still the thug that you love 2 hate !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
deci inca un interviu cu Stefan Berger:

About a month ago many of you got the chance to see Gothic 3 live at the Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany. For all of you who didn’t have the possibility to visit the exciting show we added the entire GC-press-material to the gallery! In addition you will find the original GC artwork and the cool Orc who decorates the current front cover of the GameStar magazine in Germany. As a special extra you will find two exclusive screenshots from the forums.


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Botosani
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 494
Yeah, they're interesting....but I really have to agree with's just an interwiev...i want facts,action....I WANT G3...

Counting flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all/
Playing solitaire till dawn with the deck of 51/
Smoking cigarretes and watching Captain Kangaroo/
Now don't tell me i have nothing to do...

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
who doesn't ? Totzi il vrem dar cine da banii pe el ? eu ii dau shi daca sunt 100 de euro


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Botosani
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 494
Crezi ca in Romania numai jocurile au de pierdut dupa urma pirateriei??

Counting flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all/
Playing solitaire till dawn with the deck of 51/
Smoking cigarretes and watching Captain Kangaroo/
Now don't tell me i have nothing to do...

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Nu chiar deloc, dar Romania este una dintre ele... adik dintre cele mai slab dezvoltate economic tzari.. pt ca acesta e motivul pt care nimeni nu-shi permite sa dea 50-100 de euro pt un joc


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Botosani
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 494
Normal....hai sa nu mai vb de piraterie....e un subiect mult discutat in romania si chiar nu-si are rostul in acest forum(mai ales in acest thread)....

Counting flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all/
Playing solitaire till dawn with the deck of 51/
Smoking cigarretes and watching Captain Kangaroo/
Now don't tell me i have nothing to do...

pus acum 19 ani
Pagini: 1  

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