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WorldofGothic / Gothic 3 / GothicGod Moderat de GothicGod
Mesaj Pagini: 1
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
omule zici ca sti povestea din G3.
Acu serios tu chiar lucrezi pt PB?
daca sti povestea zi-mi-o si mie macar pe privat.doar ti-am zis vreau sa stiu la ce sa ma astept.
ms pa


May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
chiar o shtiu shi lucrez pt PB dar mie frica sa vb ceva despre povest ca mi se cam rupe gatu daca indraznesc sa vorbesc ceva shi nu prea vreau nici eu sa spun povestea ca se ca ajunge in presa !!!
imi pare rau ca nu pot sa spun nimic dar risc sa ma dea afara shi sa nu mai lasa sa lucrez pt ei !!!  sorry !


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
dar atunci zi-mi si mie cam cat iei pe luna si cum iti trimit banii.stiu ca nu e frumos dar spune-mi pls.
macar asta

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Deci nu prea vreau sa vb. despre cat iau dar ca sa-tzi satisfac curiozitatea itzi spun ca deocamdata nu lucrez pe bani pt. ca nu mi-am cerut salariul niciodata shi daca nu mi se ofera nici nu am sa-l cer !


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
dar macar cand apare versiunea in engleza ti-o trimite nu?

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Cred ca o s-o primesc shi pe aia in Germana, + o versiine Beta!!!
Da o s-o primesc shi pe aia in Engleza !!


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
misto .eu nu cred ca o sa apara asa repede in romania asa ca il iau de pe net
dupa dcc+ asta e legal poate ca aia care il pun acolo il iau ilegal

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
daca vrei sa-l ai potzi sa-tzi faci comanda pe net shi itzi vine direct acasa ! shi nu va fi foarte scump !!


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Oh shi in romania o sa vina inainte de lansare!!!  Intai vine la mine shi dup-aceia se lanseaza !!!! :P


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
o sa fie pe dvd nu?
de pe ce site crezi ca pot sa-l cmpar?
apropo in ce oras locuiesti eu in pitesti

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
99% o sa fie pe DVD shi o sa fie De cumparat pe
Nu prea cred ca va incapea pe CD'uri la cat este de mare !!!


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
da tot nu ai zis unde locuiesti

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
pai nu pot sa-tzi sorry plz ...!!!!


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
hai ma in ce oras ce e asa greu?
pls zi-mi... a si ar fi misto ca sa se faca un film dupa seria gothic dupa parerea mea. nu crezi?
si pls da-mi mesaj la ca sa imi spui pls

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Dar ce te intereseaza asha de mult din ce oras sunt ?
bine bine o sa-tzi spun dar nu aici ! un film dupa seria Gothic ar fi foarte dificil de facut !!! ( in primul rand In Gothic ai mult de ales shi in film erou la ce guild o fie ?)


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
daca vrei:
sa imi spui pe
sau pe yahoo msg alex_milan22

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
a si as zice ca ar fi in old ca e cea mai aproape...+ ca e diego

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Ludus, Mures, Transilvania, RO
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 32
old camp sau new camp...

And the human slew the beast and it entered into beliar's realm

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
sunt din Mures !!!


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
oh ms cam departe...speram sa fii din pitesti ca sa vb si noi nu numai in fata calc...daca ai  yahoo msg pls contazteaza-ma

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
sunt acum logat pe ID : lordgothicgod


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Din: deva
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 76

GothicGod a scris:

Dar ce te intereseaza asha de mult din ce oras sunt ?
bine bine o sa-tzi spun dar nu aici ! un film dupa seria Gothic ar fi foarte dificil de facut !!! ( in primul rand In Gothic ai mult de ales shi in film erou la ce guild o fie ?)

pai nu are ce sa fie rau mai multe filme... o sa intreaca seria razboiul stelelor=D

sho pe cai ca vine ...

pus acum 19 ani

Din: deva
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 76
GothicGod daca nu e indiscret care e job-ul tau la pb?
nu aveti nevoie de testari pt jocurii? =D
pt g3 cred ca e prea taziu dar cine stie

=D   si ce posturi mai aveti pe acolo disponibile ? ca termion scolile =D
am studian "foto video procesare computerizata a imaginii" ma rog asa ii spune la sectia la care sunt e in cadru universitatii de arte plastice si design cj

ma ofer ca tester oricand =D si sunt capabil sa joc o sapt 24 din 24 

sho pe cai ca vine ...

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Pai INCA nu sunt membru oficial shi sunt un fel de story writer shi ma ocup shi de alte chestii !!! Shi ce posturi sunt p-acolo?
Pai in priumult rand daca nu shtii germana... nu pre ai shanse asha ca....


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Din: deva
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 76
cum o sa fie cu transportul pt distante fff lungi? ar fi fost mesto de gasit ceva precum in morowind ( goange si barci cu care puteai calatori din oras in oras) ex o caravana platesti si te duc la destinatie un mic filmulet si gata ai ajuns ar fi simpatic si folositor pana sa apara telepotr rune
si daca se poate sa ne spui macar atat daca vor fi si lupte de pe cal, camila ...ce mai punti voi pe acolo de cand am jucat prima oara gothic mi-am imaginat ce fain ar fi jocul daca ai avea un cal ... ce cavaler e ala care nu are cal?
pt mine numa faptul ca exista cal si face din g3 cel mai tare joc aparut... si daca se poate dupa ce il omori pe al rau nu se poate sa lasati jocul sa mearga ca dupa ce te-ai chinuit tot jocul sa faci ditamai personajul se termina ... ar fi mesto sa te poti intoarce si sa iti inchei niste socoteli cu ceva orci oameni animale ...ceva acolo .

sho pe cai ca vine ...

pus acum 19 ani

Din: deva
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 76
e da germana ...
dar ca testar pt limba engleza.?!?!?? =D

sho pe cai ca vine ...

pus acum 19 ani

Din: deva
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 76
pt versiunea jocului in limba engleza=D

sho pe cai ca vine ...

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
acolo cred ca o sa ajung pana la G3 dar ca sa ajungi acolo ii super dificil !!!


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Din: deva
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 76
ce alte jocuri au mai scos pb ? ceva recent ?si bine inteles rpg

sho pe cai ca vine ...

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Nu ei lucreaza "24 din 24" la Gothic !!!


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 151
> GothicGod a scris:

> Deci nu prea vreau sa vb. despre cat iau dar ca sa-tzi satisfac curiozitatea itzi spun ca deocamdata nu lucrez pe bani pt. ca nu mi-am cerut salariul niciodata shi daca nu mi se ofera nici nu am sa-l cer !

Daaaam homie !!!
Mah,G-dog:Ori esti un mare fraier,ori ti-a intrat Gothicu' in sange.
In ziua de azi tre' sa tragi de bani cu dintzii si tu spui ca nu le ceri nimik.
...... ......

In fine--->SORRY--->tu stii mai bine.N-o sa ma gasesc fix yo sa te judec.
                           KEEP RIDEING HARD,HOMIE!!! 

I'm still the thug that you love 2 hate !!!

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
ai dreptate picolo dar nu chiar 100%...dar nu ma bag

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Mda pai pana ce nu ma duc shi eu acolo la birouri la PB nu am de gand sa cer nici un banutz, dupaia mai vederm noi


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
oricum daca jocu o sa se vanda calumea o sa faci si tu ceva banii presupun

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Botosani
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 494 stiu ce sa zic as avea motive sa nu cred ca nu lucrezi la PB...dar te sustin in legatura cu faza cu salariul....daca asta iti place si nu te incurca nu vad de ce nu ai face-o pe gratis....sper doar sa nu fii falschung

Counting flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all/
Playing solitaire till dawn with the deck of 51/
Smoking cigarretes and watching Captain Kangaroo/
Now don't tell me i have nothing to do...

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Fara frica... thx pt support shi bun venit pe forum
Sper sa nu uitzi de el


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
hai ma man ca nu uita nimeni si toti iti uram succes doar ca stii cum suntem toti am vrea sa aflam povestea

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 151
Welcome to the "Homies Guild",rockfest ! 

I'm still the thug that you love 2 hate !!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Deja a uitat.....


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: Si daca nu vreau sa spun?
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 300
Eu n-am uitat inca, am avut ceva probleme cu net-ul si asa am lipsit cam vreo 2 sapt..........

Live your life

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Botosani
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 494
> GothicGod a scris:

> Deja a uitat.....

Mersi Tornado, intr-adevar am probleme cu netu, tocmai m-am mutat in astept ca sa bage astia netu la mine in camin...Mai intru de pe mobil din cand in cand...Am observat ca se mai spameaza din cand in cand pe aici....

Counting flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all/
Playing solitaire till dawn with the deck of 51/
Smoking cigarretes and watching Captain Kangaroo/
Now don't tell me i have nothing to do...

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Asta e... dar speram sa se termine...    Nu serios


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Botosani
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 494
Sper sa fie asa....adik pe mine nu prea ma intereseaza

Counting flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all/
Playing solitaire till dawn with the deck of 51/
Smoking cigarretes and watching Captain Kangaroo/
Now don't tell me i have nothing to do...

pus acum 19 ani
Dragon Hunter

Din: From The Dark Side
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 374
rockfest tu esti la internat dc?

May Innos protect us!!!

pus acum 19 ani

Din: Botosani
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 494
yep....sunt in t19....mi-au bagat netu acu vreo 2 zile si merge fainut...

Counting flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all/
Playing solitaire till dawn with the deck of 51/
Smoking cigarretes and watching Captain Kangaroo/
Now don't tell me i have nothing to do...

pus acum 19 ani
High Council Fire Mage

Din: Macin
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 970
Mountain fortress:

The mountain fortress was occupied by the paladins. The orks besieged it and killed the paladins .Also the king has lost the control of the mountains pass .After the arrival of the hero the king’s paladins and mercenary Lee gets the order from the king to conquer the fortress again with his mercenaries .They manage to do it and it became the base of the mercenaries who were paid by the king to control it.


Behind it's walls live the fire magicians and novices for thousands of years and are expert in magic.

Tower of the water mages.

This tower is one of the hightest buildings in Myrtana and it's located in the canter of the camp.In this tower live the water mages and pray to Addanos the god of water.

Hunter camp:

This wooden fortress was made by king Rhobar during the last orkwar .There aren't any paladins there for a long time untill some hunters came and made some changes .It lies in a forest south of the mountain forest.

The large castle:

It lies in the east on a high rock. It is the most powerful castle in Myrtana, but the king doesn't control it anymore. The masters of the castle are the Hersire. Here is the home of the warriors and Hesyr(see the picture) .

Ork's fortress:

The starting point of the Orks lies in the north, behind the mountains. As long as the mercenaries controll the mountain passes the orks can't send any reinforcements. Nobody has ever visited it cause it's controlled by orks.

Mountain passes:

The connection between the north and the south. In the north are the orks The passport is guarded by Lee's mercenaries. If the Orks storm the capital the will head for the pass and pro will take it too.

Free camp: (see gild 5) the underground camp of the anarchisten. Deeply under the city.There's a tavern, a swamp herb dealer, an arena and a market place. The Anarchisten don't leave from the craftsmen . They live mainly on the sales of swamp herb and alcohol.(I patriot like this gild very much :rplaugh: )

City in the north:

North are the passports and there's located another city, which is controlled by the humans. It has the size of Khorinis and lies between sea and mountains,also it's very well protected against the Orks.

The guilds:

City guard - Paladin City guard:It's similar as the militia, and their job is to protect the capital. The best city guards can become Paladins. Pladins: The paladins of the king has their headquarters in the palace. They are first of all the bodyguards of the king and get special orders from him. They are strong one close fighter(you know sword not bow) and can use some special runes :P . These charms are however more powerful than normal runes. The Paladins of the king are the heart of the army. They are courageous fighters and can use the same runes like in gothic2.
Hunter - mercenary - Orkhunter(I like it  ):
The hunters are established in an old paladin's camp. From there they hunt wolves, Scawenger, lurkers, Wargs, shadowbeasts and other animals. They are former farmers, who gived up their work because of the high taxes. Some hunters sell the meat and the animal's trophies in the city for money.

Mercenaries: The stronger among the hunters become mercenaries. They live in a mountain fortress, which they had take it back from the Okrs. They are paid from the king to protect the pass from the orks since the king can't spare any more men. They are strong warriors with heavy weapons but they aren't good with magic.

Orkhunter: The Orkhunters roam across the country on looks for Orks and other serves Beliar. They do not have an own camp. They spend their nights in the city or in the mountain fortress with Lee and his merceneries.They exchange their trophies with good equipment. Many the Orkhunters were banished from the city, followed first the hunters and went later their own ways. Others want to become real rich(like dragon hunters from gothic2).

Novices - Fire mages - Watermage's Novices:
The Novices serve the monastery of the firemages. They praying to Innos, serve the mages and learn the art of the magic and can bcome one of the firemages. Others will serve the watermages and Adanos.
Fire mages:They live in the monastery or in the city . They are weak fighters and dadcate their lives on the magic. They can use and runes. The magic of the water and the ice they are however not powerful.
Watermages: The Watermages live in a large tower in the center of the map. Their strenght is the magic of the water. They are working on some dark charms and are also able to use them cause Addanos is between Innos and Beliar. The Wassermagier don't lock tem selves behind walls like the firemages but help the guys in the city to defend it fromt the orks.Also they help the merceneries in the mountains.

Warriors - Campmages - Hersir
Warriors: In the country Myrtana, on a high rock, stands a powerful castle.It's highter from the watermage's tower and stronger that the king's walls. This castle does not belong to the king. In this castel are many people who live there. Some from them are warriors. These fighters defend the castle and the surrounding countryside. They are experienced in the close and remote fight. Their weapons are perfectly sharpen. They fight for the honour and for the castle.
Campmages: This mages are not like the firemages and watermages.They go to the battle with magic swords and other magical weapons. Their runes help them muchHersir: The masters of the castle are the Hersire. They are very powerfull with gigantic weapons they are able to deal with any beast or human.Nobody dears to attack tose guys. There are only 5 Hersire and only,only the best becomes on of them and they have gone throagh many dangers.

Underground camp

I don't know their connection with the hole story but will play an important role with Innos.They only live from the sails they do(wine and swamp herbs)also they don't belive in a god.
The city will have those bulidings.

- The knig's palace
- A temple of innos and Addanos
- A bibliothic
- A bank
- A big marcket place
- A place hwere the caravans sell their goods
- A quarter with smiths craftsmen like bowmakers alcemiests
- Horses house
- A hotel
- A hospital
-Some towers
Also the game'll include shields and douple-sword-handeling


The Paladins, the mercenaries, the hero and his friends arrive in heart of Myrtana.

Chapter 1: The hero is still strong, however his memeories about Khoriinis arestell strong allthoagh Khorinish is strom by the orks. The smiths melt the ore and start making weapons witht he ore which was brought int he mainland. The hero can look around now in the city and solv many many quests. Lee takes a look around the capital and remembers the days in the colony.Lee sends the hero to Lee's house and bring him some proofs that Lee is innocent.When the hero goes at the house's cellar he is attacked by a blackmagician.After a whle he wokes up but he has lost his powers.But he goes to the king and proves that Lee's innocent. Lee's honour is restored. Rhobar gives some order to Lee and his men to take back a fortress occupied by orks.He hears the nubber of the orks and leaves the hero and his friend in the city.Gorn, Milten, Diego the hero and Lester. . As soon as this is done the merceneries attack the fortres. (video) Now the hero can explore the word and find more about the guilds.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2:The goal of this chapter's different and it depends the guild you've joined. Lester recieves a strange letter. It is from Xardas :o . There he tells him that his tower is finished and tells him where to go. Then Lester goes to him. There tells a Xardas still more about the thing with the dragon and Beliar. It gives to bring the order a Magier Innos to him, which can help it. Also Xardas lost his power and he's in hte good side now. From Xardas one receives again some information about the enemy and the order as well as the 4 (Gorn, Milten, Lester and Diego)to clean to 2 orc camps. Then he finds some letters and a map of the area in the north. One experiences that the invasion of the Orks's lead by 5 ork generals(looks like that Daedalus was right  in my old thread).The king orders the men to return and protect the city.

Chapter 3:

Chapter 3: In the north the hero finds a destroyed villge and some survivors. They tell to the hero that they'll head towards another city. The snow also protects the camp of the orks real good. The city has about the size of Khorinis and it's commanded by the city guard and the paladins. This camp is very well defented and it can't be stromed by the orks. From that point here you start the expedition. The orks will send a convoy with suplies to the ork's castel from the sea.. In the Orkcastel is one of the greatest warlord/chief of the orks.

Chapter 4:

Chapter 4;When you return back to the capital Rhobar give you his orders.He says tht he'll send a group of paladins to help the besiege with the orks. The goal'll be different and that depends the quild you've choosen. You can also now reach the high ranks. Xardas tells as about on more ork leader. H's about 1>5 bigger than any other ork and and has the strenght of 5. It's the strongest ork in the country(looks like Daedalus was right again  ).The paladins'll attack the fortress but before that the hero need sto compete some quests.

Chapter 5:

Chapter 5 The paladins brake the fortress gate and strom the castel(at last tose paladins aren't useless afterall :P ). The orks pull back to their tower and get ready their defences.The hero finds out about an underground temple where he eats the ork leader.

Chapter 6:

(We don't know if the hero'll die in this chapter but we are sure it's the last chapter)The hero manages to track down the last locaton of the enemy and with the help of his friends and Xardas they'll manage to win

Doar pentru ca ne simtim noi mici... nu inseamna ca totul e mare....

pus acum 19 ani
High Council Fire Mage

Din: Macin
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 970
inca o data... cam asta e povestea. nu v-o mai spun ca deja e cam plin forumu numai de povesti si povestioare...

Si ca fapt divers... pt cei care au citit... ce guild alegeti?

Doar pentru ca ne simtim noi mici... nu inseamna ca totul e mare....

pus acum 19 ani
Dark Yavanna

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 353
Merci pentru informatii.

Voi alege City Guard, ca mai apoi sa devin paladin ( preferatii mei ).

My Gallery | Bleach Direct Episodes | Anime Thread | Ichigo | Naruto

The whole conviction of my life rests upon the belief that loneliness is the central and inevitable fact of human existence - Thomas Wolf | Abia atunci cand computerele greşesc incepem să realizăm cat de puternice sunt de fapt - Clive Jones

pus acum 19 ani

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 42
city guard...dar pana la urma cred ca o sa ajung sa joc cu toate ghildele

pus acum 18 ani
High Council Fire Mage

Din: Macin
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 970
logic... dar mai intai tre' sa-ti dai seama cam care-i treaba cu g3.. asa ca probabil voi alege tot fire sau water mag... mai bine fire

Doar pentru ca ne simtim noi mici... nu inseamna ca totul e mare....

pus acum 18 ani

Din: Isengard
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 1204
Mda... Old Thread, Closed


"Sunt urmarit in vise mereu de aceleashi 4 scroafe Gestante!"

pus acum 18 ani
Pagini: 1  

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